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Vegetables - Growing and Preserving
We have grown vegetables longer than we have done any other farming venture.  We love fresh veggies!  We always try something new each year.  We start our own plants indoors, then put them in our small greenhouse, then the garden.  We preserve by canning, freezing and dehydrating.  We always have extra produce to sell in the summer.  We also love to teach others how to preserve.
Vegetables and CSA
Our garden is constantly evolving to be more efficient and productive. For updates and availability of produce, sign up for the email list.
Fruits and nuts
We have successfully produced apples and peaches in fruit trees planted in the front yard. The abundance finds its way into our CSA baskets and even some to sell.


The picture on the left is my first attempt at a basket made with wild willow harvested from our property.  The basket on the right is my most recent basket made from cultivated willow purchased from a grower in Iowa.  I got starts from that grower and now have nice willow trees of my own. I have not taken the time to make more baskets, but I have the willow and can share starts with anyone who would like to grow their own.

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