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Here we are winterizing the hives in the Sustainable Apiary. We are putting insulation and tar paper on the long Langstroth hive.
This is a natural comb only a week after installing a package of bees. It was the fourth from the front of the hive. Eventually the bees finished it and fully attached it to all sides.
This is an Austrian scythe and it is being sharpened with a whetstone.
These are oilseed sunflowers grown from birdseed! We hope to find better seed to get larger heads. That year we planted too late and the seeds didn't mature. They sure were pretty, though!
This was too cute to not take the picture! The hen is actually standing on our bar-B-q grill!
The blue corn in the corner is Hopi blue flour corn. It adds interesting color to corn meal.
We put a hand pump well in by our buck barn. This is actually the first pump that froze due to clogged pipes. The replacement has had to be tested in extreme conditions, -10 degree weather and pumped with no issues whatsoever.
I actually scared the woodpecker away so I know it was him that made these holes. It was a large red-headed woodpecker. I was amazed at how fast he made them and the pile of woodchips at the bottom of the tree!
This again is the Long Langstroth hive at the Sustainable Apiary as it looked in Feb. 2015.